Information about the Intel Core i5-11500T segment (for desktops or laptops) and the CPU family, along with the sales starting date.
Technical and quantitative specifications of the Intel Core i5-11500T: number of cores and threads, base and maximum frequencies. The higher these specifications are, the more powerful your CPU will be.
Common specifications for the integrated graphics card in Intel Core i5-11500T along with supported interfaces and connection options. This block has no effect on the final efficiency of the CPU.
List of video codecs supported by the Intel Core i5-11500T CPU. Hardware support of video decoding by embedded graphics cards directly affects the speed and quality of rendering videos.
Memory type, clock frequency, multi-channel features, and PCIe version of the Intel Core i5-11500T. The higher these numbers are, the better your CPU will be. Keep in mind that the maximum memory and frequency may also depend on the model of the motherboard.
Support for AES-NI encryption on the Intel Core i5-11500T CPU.
Let's find out what TDP has the Intel Core i5-11500T? The Thermal Design Power (TDP) indicates the maximum amount of heat that should be dissipated by the chip cooling system. However, the value of TDP gives only a rough indication of the real power consumption of the CPU.
Here you can find a comparison of 2nd and 3rd level cache sizes for the Intel Core i5-11500T CPU along with a list of ISA extensions.
List of devices based on Intel Core i5-11500T.