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XFX Radeon RX 5600 XT RAW II
Gainward GeForce RTX 3070 Phoenix GS

XFX Radeon RX 5600 XT RAW II vs Gainward GeForce RTX 3070 Phoenix GS

Overall score
star star star star star

Comparison of XFX Radeon RX 5600 XT RAW II video card vs Gainward GeForce RTX 3070 Phoenix GS video card by specifications and benchmarks. XFX Radeon RX 5600 XT RAW II runs at 1.235 GHz+ 9 % base clock speed and has 6 GB of GDDR6 memory, while video card Gainward GeForce RTX 3070 Phoenix GS runs at 1.500 GHz base clock speed and has 8 GB of GDDR6 memory. The TDP of the first video card is 160 W, and the second is 240 W+ 9 %. Compare the table of benchmark results to find out which graphic card is better.

Reasons to consider
XFX Radeon RX 5600 XT RAW II
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Reasons to consider
Gainward GeForce RTX 3070 Phoenix GS
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  • Higher clock speed
    1.500 GHz left arrow 1.235 GHz+ 9 %
    Around 18% better clock speed
  • More memory
    8 GB left arrow 6 GB
    25% more memory
Complete list of technical specifications
XFX Radeon RX 5600 XT RAW II XFX Radeon RX 5600 XT RAW II
Gainward GeForce RTX 3070 Phoenix GS Gainward GeForce RTX 3070 Phoenix GS

Comparison of GPU cores for XFX Radeon RX 5600 XT RAW II and Gainward GeForce RTX 3070 Phoenix GS graphics cards. The GPU core data contains the number of blocks (in the AMD documentation these blocks are called Shader Engine (SE), while Nvidia calls them Graphics Processing Clusters (GPC), words are different, the essence is the same) and ROP/TMUs (Raster Processing Units). These characteristics have a great influence on the GPU computing power.

  • Based on
    AMD Radeon RX 5600 XT left arrow NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070
  • GPU Chip
    Navi 10 XLE left arrow GA104-300-A1
  • Execution units
    36 left arrow 46
  • Shader
    2304 left arrow 5888
  • Render Output Units
    64 left arrow 96
  • Texture Units
    144 left arrow 184

The values comparison for the amount, type and speed of memory, along with the bandwidth in the XFX Radeon RX 5600 XT RAW II and Gainward GeForce RTX 3070 Phoenix GS GPUs. A sufficiently large amount of graphics memory with high frequency and adequate bandwidth positively affects the speed of high resolution texture processing.

  • Memory Size
    6 GB left arrow 8 GB
  • Memory Type
    GDDR6 left arrow GDDR6
  • Memory Speed
    1.75 GHz left arrow 1.75 GHz
  • Memory Bandwith
    336 GB/s left arrow 448 GB/s
  • Memory Interface
    192 bit left arrow 256 bit
Clock Speeds

Let's compare the base and maximum frequency of the XFX Radeon RX 5600 XT RAW II and Gainward GeForce RTX 3070 Phoenix GS graphics cards. These values are not displayed in the BIOS, but can be viewed with the help of diagnostic utilities such as GPU-Z or Everest.

  • Base Clock
    1.235 GHz+ 9 % left arrow 1.500 GHz
  • Boost Clock
    1.620 GHz+ 4 % left arrow 1.770 GHz+ 3 %
  • Avg (Game) Clock
    1.560 GHz+ 13 % left arrow
  • Overclocking
    Yes left arrow Yes
Thermal Design

Comparison of the thermal design power of the XFX Radeon RX 5600 XT RAW II and Gainward GeForce RTX 3070 Phoenix GS GPUs. The TDP number determines the maximum power consumption of your graphics card. The specifications for computer ventilation and power supply are often based on the TDP numbers and should be optimized for it.

  • TDP
    160 W left arrow 240 W+ 9 %
  • TDP (up)
    195 W left arrow --
  • Tjunction max
    -- left arrow 93 °C
  • PCIe-Power
    1 x 6-Pin, 1 x 8-Pin left arrow 2 x 8-Pin
Cooler & Fans

Here we are going to look at the types of cooling systems for XFX Radeon RX 5600 XT RAW II and Gainward GeForce RTX 3070 Phoenix GS as well as their sizes and performance. As a rule, fans with larger diameters have an advantage because they can move the same volumes of air while rotating more slowly than smaller fans. It should be noted that liquid cooling systems in addition to fans and aluminum radiators need some kind of pump, which can also be noisy.

  • Fan-Type
    Axial left arrow Axial
  • Cooler-Type
    Air cooling left arrow Air cooling
  • Fan 1
    2 x 100 mm left arrow 3 x 90 mm
  • Noise (Idle)
    28 dB left arrow 0 dB / Silent
  • Noise (Load)
    33 dB left arrow 41-43 dB

Number and types of sockets for video output and connection in XFX Radeon RX 5600 XT RAW II and Gainward GeForce RTX 3070 Phoenix GS GPUs.

  • Max. Displays
    4 left arrow 4
  • HDCP-Version
    2.3 left arrow 2.3
  • HDMI Ports
    1x HDMI v2.0b left arrow 1x HDMI v2.1
  • DP Ports
    3x DP v1.4 left arrow 3x DP v1.4a

In this section, we'll explore what functions the XFX Radeon RX 5600 XT RAW II and Gainward GeForce RTX 3070 Phoenix GS GPUs have. In addition, we have added ray tracing support to achieve the proper simulation of light rays and shadows. The list can vary slightly depending on the manufacturer.

  • Max. resolution
    7680x4320 left arrow 7680x4320
  • DirectX
    12_2 left arrow 12_2
  • Raytracing
    Yes left arrow Yes
  • DLSS / FSR
    No left arrow Yes
  • LED
    No LED lighting left arrow Addressable LED
Supported Video Codecs

Let's compare how XFX Radeon RX 5600 XT RAW II and Gainward GeForce RTX 3070 Phoenix GS support popular codecs h264, VP8, h265 / HEVC, VP9 and AV1. The availability of such video codecs helps reduce the load on the graphics card during the playback or creation of videos. This has a positive effect on reducing power consumption and heat generation by the GPU.

  • h264
    Decode / Encode left arrow Decode / Encode
  • VP8
    Decode left arrow Decode
  • h265 / HEVC
    Decode / Encode left arrow Decode / Encode
  • VP9
    Decode / Encode left arrow Decode
  • AV1
    No left arrow Decode

The comparison of the XFX Radeon RX 5600 XT RAW II and Gainward GeForce RTX 3070 Phoenix GS graphics cards dimensions. With knowledge of the exact measurements of the graphics card, you can check whether it is possible to put it in the case of your PC. We have also added support for PCI Express bus.

  • Length
    326 mm left arrow 294 mm
  • Height
    148 mm left arrow 112 mm
  • Width
    44 mm left arrow --
  • Width (Slots)
    2 PCIe-Slots left arrow 3 PCIe-Slots
Additional data

Here you can find information about the type (for desktops or laptops) and architecture of XFX Radeon RX 5600 XT RAW II and Gainward GeForce RTX 3070 Phoenix GS, along with the sales starting time and the price at that moment. We provide a link to the GPU specifications directly from its manufacturer.

  • GPU Interface
    PCIe 4.0 x 16 left arrow PCIe 4.0 x 16
  • Release date
    Q1/2020 left arrow Q4/2020
  • Release price
    -- left arrow 629 $
  • Structure size
    7 nm left arrow 8 nm
  • Part-no
    RX-56XT6OFFR left arrow NE63070S19P2-1041X
  • Documents
    data sheet left arrow data sheet
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